The small change in your pocket can mean a big change in a student’s life
Discover how you can make a difference
The Johnnie Alberta Foundation... a 501(c)(3) that assists undergraduate students by providing scholarships. JAF is based on the premise, “Embracing the Journey”, since it is an unpredictable milestone. Our belief is that a scholarship is an investment in a student’s future. Ultimately, JAF’s goals are philanthropic and aim to improve the quality of life for undergraduate students.
Support from our partners is major, and it helps to increase our visibility. Most businesses enjoy their relationship with us because of mutual benefits, values that align with their mission, how we kick-start the partnership with ease—and they’re able to make more of a difference immediately. To find out how to partner with us, send an email to officemanager@johnniealberta.
As our journey continues, we would like to personally thank everyone for your encouragement!

Meet Curtis
Creator. Veteran. Entrepreneur.
Curtis created the Johnnie Alberta Foundation in 2012, with the name originating from the grandparents, Johnnie and Alberta, while using a simple idea: To inspire students pursuing an undergraduate degree. Despite starting with zero financial support, Curtis applied his passion and positive actions to create scholarship opportunities with support from communities, businesses, and volunteers.
The small change in your pocket can
mean a big change in a student’s life
Start Your Giving Today. You’re Not Just Donating, You’re Giving Students A Future!
Donations are an essential element of the Johnnie Alberta Foundation, a 501(c)(3) charitable organization. We receive donations online and/or via check or money order. Your support is deeply appreciated by the JAF community.
Mail payment to:
Johnnie Alberta Foundation, Inc.
P.O. Box 5321
Upper Marlboro, Maryland 20775